Why Movement Matters and Why NOW?

Did you know that our brain doubles in size during the first year and reaches 95% of it’s adult brain weight by age 4? That’s why we want to provide our children with a solid foundation now!

The more sensory opportunities we provide, the more connections between neurons are made and the stronger the connections between neurons are, which allows for better communication between neurons. This is what contributes to the brain weight!

Movement is the gateway to learning in the first four years of life because sensorimotor and social development precedes language and logic skills. It activates all 4 of their learning pathways (visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic). When all learning pathways are activated, the child will be engaged and learning occurs.

This early foundation of motor development gives a child their body intelligence. A coordinated, well-balanced body supports the child’s ease in higher-level learning and adds joy to their life. Organized motor skills underlie attention to task, inhibitory control, and working memory – all the keys to executive function.

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.

Wizard of Oz


Physical movement, from earliest infancy and throughout our lives, plays an important role in the creation of nerve cell networks which are actually the essence of learning.

Carla Hannaford, Smart Moves


Curiosity, imagination and creativity are like muscles: if you don’t use them, you lose them.

Dave Elkind