Infant Massage


Recommended age for group classes is from birth to pre-crawling. Expectant parents are welcome as well!

Our classes:

  • Are held in small groups (5 or less) or individually to ensure personalized attention.

  • Are baby led, it’s okay for babies to cry! Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to listen their baby’s needs. (When babies are not ready for massage during class, we recommend parents/caregivers bring in a baby doll or stuffed animal to practice the strokes with)

  • Include time for supportive group discussion where parents can share experiences and learn from each other while having fun. 

  • Do NOT include the Educator touching or massaging your baby during class, they will demonstrate on a doll.

You’ll learn:

  • Massage strokes & touch relaxation

  • Bonding techniques & ways to recognize your baby’s cues

  • How to ask permission & how doing so builds respect

  • How to choose the best oil for your massage

  • How to identify the best time for massage & ways to work it into your daily life

  • & more!

Benefits of infant massage:

  • Interaction

  • Relaxation

  • Stimulation

  • Relief

Read more here.

The infant massage class includes massage strokes handouts (printed and electronic copy) and other handouts relevant to the discussion topics. A small bottle of coconut massage oil is included as well (if concerned about allergies, please bring your own massage oil).

Regina Lum-Witkoske is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM) by the International Association of Infant Massage, through Infant Massage USA.