Gift Ideas

Gift-giving can sometimes feel overwhelming….you want to make sure the gift is fun, yet educational and be something that your child can play with for hours on end (even better, for years!). I get it, I’m a parent too! Here are some gift ideas that are not just fun, but will promote healthy brain and body development. Don’t forget to join in the fun with your kiddos because quality time spent with your kids is way more valuable than any toy, besides you’ll get a boost to your mood as well!

If gifting experiences is more your style, you can purchase a gift certificate to Little Feet classes here.

Spinning Toys

We use this dizzy disc in class and it is a hit! It is great for developing the vestibular system, balance and just plain fun! You can spin on it flat or tilted, you can go fast or slow, and you can play on your own or with a friend!

However, it can get pretty pricey, so here are some alternatives for you:


Swinging Toys

This sensory swing is another option for developing the vestibular system, with the swinging and spinning. The one added benefit to this swing is that is also provides proprioception input because the fabric hugs tight to your child’s body, giving a calming effect to the nervous system. And I’m not sure about your kids, but mine can’t get enough of swings, so this would be a great one to keep them occupied for a while.



The scooter is a great way to stay active indoors. You can see who scoots the farthest, or fastest. It can be a standalone toy, or be incorporated into an obstacle course. There are many options out there, I just included one here as an example.


Sensory Toys

Our babies’ brain grow by demand. This means that the more opportunities and experiences we provide them, the more neural pathways are developed. That’s why you want to introduce many different sounds, sights, touch/feel to them. At the same time, talk to them through each experience. For example, “Oh, this is a red scarf, it feels so soft. And this crinkly paper makes noise when you squeeze it. Look at these bells, it jingles when you shake it.” Not to mention, these are great toys to keep babies entertained for floor time, encourage them to reach & eventually crawl.


Big Bouncy Balls

There is so much you can do with a bouncy ball. It’s great for families with multi-aged kids. It is a great opportunity for tummy time for the babies and your toddlers can bounce their energies off! What’s not to like? Here’s the ball that I use in class.


Obstacle course

You can develop so many skills with an obstacle course, whether you are building it or going through it. We are helping develop creativity and imagination, sequencing, problem-solving, turn-taking, working memory and much more! You can use household items, coupled with a few of these items below and let your imagination run wild. There is no end to how many variations you can make!


Balance Toys

Here are a couple of balance toys that can also be used in many ways, depending on where our imagination leads us.


Climbing Toys

Heavy work like climbing develops proprioception. It keeps kids grounded and calm. It also teaches coordination and risk-taking in a safe environment.


Note: I am not affiliated or endorsing the products that I’ve linked here. There are many options out there, whether you choose to shop online or from local businesses. The links included are provided as examples only.

Regina Lum